Toro Battery BackPack leaf blowers in stock
Save $200 - $250 on select Toro Time Cutters - ENDS July 31, 2023
Currently have a good selection of lawn tractors, mowers, trimmers, saws. blowers - 3/31/2023
Simplicity 38" Regent tractor here now! - 3/30/2023
We now offer Masport walkbehind mowers - good quality for a reasonable price - 5/28/2022
We now offer Echo brand 58V Cordless lawn care products featuring 5 year consumer/2 year commercial warranty
Toro now offering a 22" self-propelled mower called "SmartStow" that stands up vertically to save you floorspace
2014 - Toro Celebrates 100 Year Anniversary!
Tip - If your generator did not come with an hour meter you can easily install one - it is important to know when to change the oil
New - polymer snow shoes for snowthrowers - last longer - safe for pavers - 12/12
Tip - when done using your generator turn off the fuel tank valve and run the engine until it stops - make a note to turn the valve back on before using again
Simplicity & Snapper now feature a 3 year warranty on residential products - 9/1/12
Toro now has a full synthetic oil especially designed for small air and water cooled engines - outstanding anti-scuff protection with added zinc and phosphorous - use for 10w30 and straight 30HD - quart part # 117-0066
SEF fuel now available - pre-mixed 50:1 gas & oil for 2-cycle engines or straight gas for 4-cycle engines - longer lasting - made without ethanol - great for engines that do not get used regularly
New Items to combat fuel contamination : Lawn Mower Medic and Opti-Mizer Fuel Additives - helps keep fuel fresh and from breaking down
Sharpen saw chain yourself - right on the bar without removing - with the new PowerSharp system by Oregon! Average price for kit including new bar, chain and sharpener good for 10-20 sharpens - $75 - August, 2010
Briggs & Stratton purchases Simplicity Manufacturing - a first for the world's largest manufacturer of small engines
We now have available Oxlite aluminum loading ramps - a safer and lighter way to load equipment - see them at
Tip - Toro now has available a "spray on" product that prevents grass, snow and dirt from sticking to your mowers, snowthrowers and yard tools called T-150 - helps snowthrowers and mulcher mowers.
If you get excessive grass buildup on your 2003 and earlier Simplicity (44" or 50" only) mower deck there is an anti-blowout baffle available that is easy to install - part number 1687030.
Tip - Mice Problems? - Nesting inside your mower engine? - Try tying Bounce fabric softener sheets together in a ring around the area you want to protect. Moth balls may also help for closed in areas.
Due to a lack of available time The Used Mower Network will not be updated until further notice. Please visit Yahoo Garden Tractor Clubs
Tip - Remember to thaw out your snowthrower when done using it so your auger and/or impeller doesn't freeze up for the next usage!
Tip - 89 octane or higher fuel is now recommended for Echo 2-cycle engines - we recommend at least 89 octane for everything with B&S or Toro fuel treatments all year long - not just for storage
We are now carrying selected models of Snapper walkbehind mowers and B&S generators
Simplicity Manufacturing combines Ferris commercial zero-turns, Giant Vac leaf vacuums/blowers and Snapper riders, mowers, generators, power washers, ect. into the lineup
Last updated October 15, 2020